Alpha Squadron - Flight 2
Squadron Orders
News Page
Squadron Orders
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Pilot Journals

Squadron Commander Command Philosophy and Goals

The following is a listing of the 2-year plan I wish to have implemented for Alpha Squadron and its rise to its former glory as the first squadron.

Have the nickname of Alpha Squadron established via the wing in a competition of a sorts to replace the old one that also refered to the Command Staff squadron. The Death Angels are invalid for the First Squadron of the Flagship of the Fleet. Also need a new banner to reflect the changes. When Needed: ASAP

Gain 6 pilots to place 2 in each of the flights. Projected date to have 6 pilots and all active in some way: 20050401

Have all three flight pages up and running with proper maintainance and links to the Squadron's Homepage: 20050501

Gain citations in all Wing I member made battles and free missions for TIE95, XvT, and XWA.

                                                     Projected Date for TIE95: 20050601

                                        Projected Date for XvT: 20050801

                                        Projected Date for XWA: 20051001

                                        Projected Date for X-Wing: 20051015

Gain enough members to allow for transfers to other squadrons and still maintain 6 within Alpha: 20051231

Establish and maintain 9 active members (3 in each flight): 20060301 (1 Year anniversery)

The entire next year set to holding the squadron numbers, citations and FCHG points so that as a squadron, we average a minimum of 500 FCHG. Our current average is 161 with all 6 pilots on the roster. We are way short of this goal and thus I am giving it the longest time. I am looking to establish Alpha as the leader in citations for the Wing and hopefully the Ship. Additionally, I am hoping Alpha will become and maintain itself as leader in average FCHG points.

I am hoping to hone the skills of each of the pilots in areas other than flying by nurturing thier writing capabilities through debriefing texts of each battle they fly. I am hoping to have an extensive archive of past and present pilots exploits complete with flight recorders and debriefings available for newer pilots to observe and learn to better thier own capabilities. As a member of the Order of the Krath, I feel it will help the pilots reason a battle through more successfully and enable them to learn from thier own mistakes by reviewing thier flights in slow motion and from the perspective of other ships.

I have very little intention on advancing to a higher position within the TC or DB at this time. I was recruited into Alpha and here I call my home. I was once Flight 3's Flight leader and am now again the Commander of this fine and rich squadron. I am hoping that in the coming months I will prove myself worthy of your choice and am looking forward to serving you as Alpha commander.

Please send me the format for reports as you wish to see them for your best interests.

Thank you again for this honor.

Major Talons Pryde, Alpha Commander in Wing I on the Sovereign Class Superstar Destroyer Sovereign -- Flagship of the Fleet -- TC1818/DB76


Squadron Standing Orders

Ladies and Gentlemen of Alpha Squadron,


This official directive is hereby submitted and will become effective as of 20050314:


Standing orders for the Squadron:

1>        All pilot files must be in the following format:

                        RankNameTCpinnumberBattle or mission typebattle or mission number.pilot type


            Rank:                            your current rank

            Name:                           your full name

            TC pin number:                        TC#####

            Battle/mission type:            TC, TF, XvT, XvTF, XWA, XWAF, IW, IWF, or CAB

                                                TC             = TIE Battle

                                                TF             = Free TIE mission

                                                XvT             = XvT Battle

                                                XvTF            = Free XvT mission

                                                XWA            = XWA Battle

                                                XWAF            = Free XWA mission

                                                IW            = X-wing battle (Infiltrator Wing)

                                                IWF            = Free X-wing mission (Infiltrator Wing)

                                                CAB            = Combined Arms Battle

                                    The above must be followed by the battle or mission number.

            Pilot Type:                For TIE it is .tfr. For XvT, X-wing and I think XWA it is .plt

                        For example:

                                    MAJ Talons Pryde TC1818 TF208.tfr

                        The above is my submission for Free TIE mission #208 (This should be Talons' First Patrol if I am remembering correctly).


            Along with the pilot file, I recommend a debriefing and summary of your flown mission. This will include the name of the mission you flew as a secondary measure of accuracy. I had a problem sorting out a mistake from a pilot who gave the wrong mission number and was credited for a mission they did not do. It was rectified after some careful negotiations. These files are recommended to be sent to me by all pilots!!!!


            Flight leaders are required to not only send a debrief of the mission flown, but also a post mission report on what they did and what were they thinking when they did this. Write the complete debrief in first person (using I and me) and as if you were your character. This will also need to have a flight recorder film of each mission. If there was a particularly interesting shot (action, lucky slap, or something like that) please include it for the Alpha Archives. Remember, the film must be of the mission completed. You will need to review it for accuracy and note any and all discreptions (such as data being off  or the mission not showing complete even if it was) as the film play-back may not work correctly on our much faster machines from the old sub 500Mhz CPU's. I should know. My 800 machine always had a problem with play-back accuracy.


            All pilots must zip the files (or be self extracting if not in WINZIP format) and sent with your name and battle number as the file. If multiple files are being sent, send them as seperate attachments or zip them again and name the file with your name and MULTI plus the date as YYYYMMDD in numerical coding.

            SAVE A COPY OF EACH SUBMISSION AT LEAST UNTIL I LET YOU KNOW IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED AND ARCHIVED!!!! If there is a problem later, I can bring up the archive

. If cheating is suspected, and it is found you have, I will have you HCI'ed faster than you can say "oops". I will personally bear witness of it. If you are found to have not cheated, then from that point on, I will suggest a full debrief like the Flight Leaders. This is your one warning. I have had to defend my pilots before. It is not pretty.


            In summary of the pilot submissions:

                        Include the pilot file, and if you are a Flight leader, the summary, the full debrief and film. You will either zip 2 or 3-4 files for free missions and at least 2 for battles. Flight leaders will submit the pilot, the summary and debrief (can be in the same file), and 4 flight films (a total of 6 files). Optional for everyone is screen-shots of your films. I recommend everyone make films. It may help you become better pilots.


2>        Monthly reporting from all pilots. A status check in effect. This can either be via messenger, phone, snail-mail, or e-mail. All are acceptable. Flight leaders need to submit monthly reports only by the second to last day of the month out lining the plans for the next month and summarizing the previous months activity for your flight. Weekly reports are not necessary unless the activity is below 50%. At that time, I will be compiling for my Monthly Squadron Evaluations. I will make recommendations and accept them for promotions, medals, demotions, and praise and discipline. The format I want is:

            Alpha Flight #

            Flight Leader's Name reporting.

            Flight report for Month of Year



            Flight Roster:

            Position          PIN            Rank            Name                           Activity status               FCHG            Rank


            Each Position    PIN #            Rank    Name                            Activity status                FCHG points and Rank


                                                                                                            Total:               FCHG points

                                                                                                            Average:          Average Points

                                                                                                            Flight Rank:   Rank



            List all activity for the flight and any pending status on files submitted.

            Planned activity

            List all planned activity for the flight.

            Important notes

            List anything that may affect any members of your flight here. Also include names of contacts on the training platform and what assistance you have offered. Remember -- no ad's.


            Anything in bold is the required wording I want to see. everything in italics is as needed. If a slot is vacant, note it in your report.


3>        Get on the Alpha mailing list at yahoo groups. Invitations will be sent out within one week of joining the squadron. Flight leaders will be moderators and can invite thier own members in. I will do the initial member invites. The Wing Commander will also be invited into the message group. I will be sending all Weekly reports and monthly summaries via our flight message group. The MSE's will be sent seperate.


4>            Communicate with your fellow squad mates. Get to know them. Flight leaders must have a strong working relationship with thier flight and should know each member by both TC name and RL name. If comfortable with it, give phone numbers and/or addresses to your flight. I will always give my home number and address to those who ask for it. We care about our members not only in the TC as character/persona, but also in RL.


5>        Work hard and it will get noticed. I will not give a medal out like candy. I will only give medals out if I am willing to take it from my own chest and place it on yours. This means that Alpha has high standards. Some medals are a given (like the one for completing 30 missions from the data base), but all others are earned. Earn them and wear them with pride!


6>        Alpha is formal only when we have to be. Alpha is like a family. I came to Alpha in the beginning and I am still here. I want each of you to look to me as your friend, your advisor, your sounding board, and your comfort. I will protect each of you from those above but will not tolerate dishonor within. A flight member has already seen how I can be when things get a little out of hand. I will step in.


            With all of the above directives, the main point is to have fun. Real life takes presidence over anything here. If you are having a problem in real life, let me or Jenn know. If you feel that you are not having fun in the TC, tell us. Tell us what you want to do, and we may have a venue for you. Be responsible in your position. This squad will spout competition and the need to be the best, but if we are the best in examples for the rest of the fleet in areas long forgotten, then we will make a greater impression. The best is not always the highest score or the most medals. Sometimes it is just the simple level of comraderie we display. Maybe it is the activity we have (FCHG points on average for the squadron) or how much we put in to the TC. I am very leiniant with the rules and regs but will enforce them heavily if there seems to be an abuse of those same rules. Overall, have fun and learn from the others and grow into a more well rounded person. Learn to be resposible for your actions. Become a better citizen of your country in real life and share your strengths with those around you. Make the world a better place one person at a time.


Your Commander and friend,

Talons Pryde



Anthony Jerome R. Thorn


757 380 0777



A.  Communications
i.  All members are required to maintain contact with their assigned unit in the TIE Corps with at least ONE email per month.  (This is paraphrased from the TIE Corps Rules and Regulations).

ii.  All official communications opening with the term <Salute!> and ending with the full ID/signature line require a response.  This is mandatory on a one link up manner.  FL respond to CMDR/FL, CMDR respond to WC, etc.

iii.  The Wing I egroup mailing list is an official resource for orders and news of the wing. However, until this order is rescinded it is also to be used for fun and games.  Those that have problem with the amount of mail that this generates are encouraged to switch their mailing
preference to either daily digest or read on the web.


iiii The Wing I CnC egroup mailing list is THE official resource for TIE Corps, Competition, Promotion and Duty news and orders.  This is a closed email list, requiring approval from the moderator to post.

v.  All members of the wing are encouraged (not required) to get AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSM, ICQ or mIRC.  I have all of these and shall show up now and then on mIRC, but unfortunately my RL job entails that I shall not be able to make meetings except on a biweekly basis.

vi.  A weekly meeting is to be held starting at 7PM Eastern Time on Friday nites in #Wing_I on the Undernet.  This is primarily a forum for chatting...but you never know when something important might pop up.

B.  Flight Duties
i.  At this time, pilots are encouraged to participate in all open competitions and also to do at least one independent TIE Free Mission a month.  ((Again, this is not required.))

C.  Reporting Duties.
i.  Squadron Commanders are required to submit weekly reports no later than Monday morning at 11:59am Eastern Standard Time.

ii.  Squadron Commanders are required to submit Monthly Squadron Evaluations no later than the last day of each calendar month.

iii.  Failure of the Squadron Commanders to submit three reports in a row, or miss more than ONE MSE will result in their dismissal.